For the next few weeks, I will be posting a series of a must-have trends for the summer. Today I will discuss about a basic accessory that will yield a huge effect on your wardrobe!

For this post, I will focus on sunglasses. There are many different styles, brands, and prices of sunglasses in the market. There are the $6 sunglasses from Forever 21, $100-$300 sunglasses with brand names like Ray-ban, Carrera, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, etc. Personally, as a college student on a budget, I love Forever 21's $6 sunglasses! Heck, I have 7 of them - different kinds and colors. If you're an Asian like me, and are not blessed with a high-bridged nose (I cannot wear the modified Ray-ban wayfarers to save my life!), make sure you try on the sunglasses before buying them. I do not recommend buying sunglasses on-line unless you have been in the store and personally tried the sunglasses on.

One tip I received from my aunt was whenever you're trying on sunglasses, make sure there aren't any gaps on the bridge of your nose that could make the sunglasses look awkward on your face. Instead of improving your face shape and/or your wardrobe, it will do the opposite. We don't want awkward pictures during our summer vacation, do we?

And of course, the most famous rules:

If you have a round face, look for sunglasses with squared edges. Same goes with square faces, you should find sunglasses with more rounded corners to balance out your face shape. As for heart-shaped faces, the best bet is to go with aviator sunglasses (Sarah Jessica Parker, anyone?). For the oval-shaped faces, you can pretty much wear anything!

Of course, rules are meant to be broken. If you're like me, and you wear pretty much any style and color of sunglasses, even if your face isn't oval-shaped, kudos to you! <3
One of the many trends this spring is color blocking. I love this trend because you have the opportunity to mix different colors together and create a look that's unique. At first, I was thinking of doing this set with an office look, but it's almost summer, and everybody's looking forward for a break (or at least I am). You could still do the basic orange top with a pink skirt for the office -- just add a blazer, and ta-da, you're done!

I picked the straw bag because I think it tones down the sophisticated combination of the blouse and the skirt. Since you often find these ensembles at the office, and I think having a straw bag makes this look a little bit more laid back. I finished the look with a 3-tier necklace.

So here is my color block version for this spring. I hope you like it!